Homemade Pancakes + Best Tips: Easy Recipe

I have a straightforward pancake recipe for you that I believe is the best for several reasons. These pancakes are thin, delicious, require just a few basic ingredients, and are easy for everyone to make. The recipe includes both eggs and milk, excluding unnecessary baking powder and baking soda. Additionally, I’ve compiled a list of secret tips to ensure you make the best homemade pancakes. I hope you enjoy this pancake recipe, and please share your feedback!

The Best Tips for Great Pancakes

  1. It is best to use fresh domestic eggs and high-quality milk – you will recognize it.
  2. Let the dough rest for at least half an hour to ensure the flour is well distributed.
  3. Choose a suitable pancake pan, ideally large and heavy stainless steel with a strong bottom.
  4. Fry pancakes preferably in lard if you have this option.
  5. Do not add sugar to the dough. It caramelizes when fried, and you can influence sweetness by using jam or making pancakes with a salty filling.
  6. The first test pancake usually never succeeds, so don’t panic unnecessarily.
  7. If the pancakes tear, you have too much milk; thicken the dough with 2 tablespoons of flour.
  8. Stack the finished pancakes on top of each other and keep them warm in the oven at 70 °C (150 °F).


Ingredients in this recipe

(Makes 15 to 20 pancakes)

  • 250 g plain flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 600 ml of milk
  • Lard (there really is nothing better for baking pancakes)

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1

  • Sift the flour into a bowl to eliminate lumps and mix with salt.

Step 2

  • In another bowl, pour in the milk, add the egg, and whisk.

Step 3

  • Gradually pour the egg mixture into the flour bowl, beating with a whisk until a smooth, liquid but thicker dough forms.

Step 4

  • Cover the bowl with the dough, for example, with cling film, and refrigerate for at least half an hour. If planning to make pancakes, prepare the batter a day in advance.

Step 5

  • Turn on the stove, heat up a pancake-appropriate pan, and add about half a teaspoon of lard. When it melts, reduce the stove to low.

Step 6

  • Briefly mix the prepared dough, ladle the first batch onto the pan, and spread the dough by tilting the pan. If the dough has a suitable liquid consistency, it should spread easily.

Step 7

  • Fry the pancake until the top side is done, then flip and finish. The second side takes a bit longer, and the pancake is ready.

Step 8

  • For each additional pancake, add only a small amount of lard as needed—just the tip of a spoon, as the pan is already greasy.

Step 9

  • Place the finished pancakes on a warm plate on the stove or in an oven heated to 70 °C (150 °F). Serve warm or cold, sweet or salty, rolled or folded.

I’m eager to hear how these pancakes turn out for you and if you find my tips helpful. Do you follow any of them, or do you have your own secret tips for the best homemade pancakes? I’d love to read your comments about how you make pancakes and what your favorite recipe is. It’s delightful to see how many of us have our best pancake recipes, and yet, the result is simply pancakes. I must confess one thing—although everyone enjoys my pancakes, including me, there’s a special joy when my mom makes pancakes. I always find them a little better. I wonder what the secret is!

Homemade Pancakes
Homemade Pancakes

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